Monday, November 24, 2008

Discovering Web 2.0 tools

There are so many web tools out there, it is difficult to pick ones to consider my favorites. Many of them, I chose not to try because they require a login and a password. I still feel uncomfortable putting my information on the Internet. I thought I would like to try, Shoeboxed, Hordit, ClutterMe, and Scrumy; but, many of them require my information.

I found one sight I truly like. It is called iSpeech. iSpeech converts text to audio. I tried it and it seems to work perfectly. One thing I noticed on their sight is that they included a blog that has the audio of whatever is typed playing in the background. I can see a use for that if you have an really great blog and a lot of people want audio available while traveling or exercising. The web link for iSpeech is: Try it, it's great fun and another of my favorite things.

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